California Standards for the Teaching Profession: Standard Two
2.1 Creating a physical environment that engages all students
2.2 Establishing a climate that promotes fairness and respect
2.3 Promoting social development and group responsibility
2.4 Establishing and maintaining standards for student behavior
2.5 Planning and implementing classroom procedures and routines that support student learning
2.6 Using instructional time effectively

The Four Mistaken Goals of Misbehavior 
ch 4 in Positive Discipline by J. Nelsen

“A misbehaving child is a discouraged child.” -R. Dreikurs

The Four Mistaken Goals of Misbehavior:
1. Attention-- “I belong only when I have your attention.”
2. Power -- “I belong only when I’m winning or in charge or at least when I don’t let you win.”
3. Revenge -- “It hurts that I don’t belong, but at least I can hurt back.”
4. Assumed Inadequacy -- “I give up. It is impossible to belong.”

Remember: the true primary goal of all behavior in all people, children or adults, is to find a sense of belonging and significance (56). As teachers, we are given the opportunity to help children understand their behavior. Not only that--we are given the chance to help them shape their own behavior to achieve significance and belonging they desire!

Also remember: “Children are good percievers, but poor interpreters” (21). It important that your communication is clear, so think things through before you speak.

“An encouraged child does not need to misbehave” (62).

About Goal Disclosure:
1. If a safe, objective setting is created at a time away from conflict or crisis, most children can identify their hidden goals. Children usually won’t be able to verbalize it themselves, but will reveal it if asked. (see Dreikur’s “could it be” questions on page 70)
2. Talking with children about goals shows interest in the child while increasing your awareness of them.
3. Having a goal identified creates an understanding that can reduce your internal stress with children who consistently misbehave.

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