Statement of Educational Philosophy

In recent discussion, I  likened teaching to the art of quilting. Teaching has so many parts, theories, and ideas that can be put together in many ways and following many techniques, all leading to basically the same result. It is the art of fitting the pieces together that fascinates me. 

I believe that the fabric education is this: all people are capable learners. As an educator, my duty is to inspire, guide, and facilitate the learning of others as I continue my own learning.

Effective learning is centered around the use of language; it is the brilliant design of the quilt. The development of language is key in advancement of learning, and development of learning is key in advancement of language. One cannot develop without the other advancing as well.

As students experience meaningful interaction with curriculum, language develops. Language experience and growth are evidenced in discussion, in thinking, in action, and finally, in writing. All of these activities happen best in social environments, as humans are social learners. By seeing, hearing, doing, and discussing their experience, learners develop the language to further pursue their own learning. This social context promotes learning that is initiated from within the learner, creating ownership and empowerment of what is learned. Students who know they are capable learners retain and actively seek more learning.

Engaging and supporting all students in learning is the mainstay of teaching. It is the part of teaching that makes their learning possible. All children have a natural desire to learn; it is the teacher's job to light the fire of interest in the children's minds. Once the fire is lit, learning is almost unstoppable.
