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Transforming Netscape Bookmarks Into Webpages
With minimal effort, your Netscape Bookmarks list can be converted to a webpage which can be saved on your local hard disk, on a floppy disk or even uploaded to the World Wide Web. You can reconfigure the default homepage setting on Netscape to automatically open to the webpage you created from your bookmarks list. It’s easy! Just follow these steps:
  1. Before you start the conversion process, double-check that you have created a "web" directory/folder on your floppy disk or hard drive
  2. Open Netscape.
  3. Open the bookmark window (Ctrl-B or Command-B).
  4. Navigate to the File menu.
  5. Select Save As. When the Save As dialog box appears, select the "web" folder/directory you created on your floppy disk or hard drive as the destination for the file.
  6. Now, change the default Bookmarks file name to web1.htm (Note: you can use a different file name as long as it has all lowercase letters, is five letters or less and has the .htm suffix.)
  7. Save the renamed bookmarks file.
  8. Exit/Quit Netscape.

Tech Talk: Netscape saves all its bookmarks as webpages deep within its directories. You have just taken this webpage, renamed it with an acceptable short webpage file name and added the .htm which will identify the file as a webpage when it is opened with a web browser.

  1. Now, open Netscape Composer.
  2. Navigate to the "web" directory / folder you created earlier and open the web1.htm file. (Hint: You may need to select "All Files" from the "Files of Type" drop down menu if web1.htm doesn’t appear automatically.)
  3. Edit the webpage.. You may want to change the webpage title, the background colors, add some graphics or rename or remove some of the links.
  4. Save the changes that you make.

Now it’s time to see what your bookmark webpage looks like. Follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Preview button which will open Netscape Navigator with your new webpage automatically or
  2. Open Netscape Navigator.
  3. Navigate to the File menu and select Open Page.
  4. Be sure that the Navigator radio button is selected in the Open File or Location in: section of the dialog box.
  5. Click on Choose File. Navigate to the directory/folder where you saved the web1.htm file.
  6. Double-click on the web1.htm file.
  7. Finally, click on Open. Your new webpage will appear on the screen.
  8. Test some of the links to make sure that they work.

You can add this webpage to your bookmarks list just like any other webpage you might find on the web. You can even make it your Netscape Homepage by following these steps.

  1. With your webpage on the screen, carefully drag across the entire address found in the Location: bar while holding down the mouse button. The location address will be selected.
  2. Select Copy from the Edit menu to copy the address to the clipboard.
  3. Select Preferences from the Edit menu.
  4. Look for Home Page section near the center of the dialog box.
  5. Write down the address in the box in the event that you want to change things back after you try the steps that follow.
  6. Remove the homepage location currently in the text box, position the cursor in the box and select Paste from the Edit menu.
  7. The address leading to your web1.htm file will appear in the box.
  8. Click on OK and the box will close.
  9. Click on the Home button and your webpage will reappear on the screen.
  10. Follow several of the hypertext links that take you away from the homepage and then click on the Home button again. You should return to your new homepage.


website developed by Bob Jost | bjost@josts.net | last modified July 12, 2000
Copyright © 1999 Bob Jost. All rights reserved