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Adding Images to Your Webpage
One of the greatest features of building your own webpages is the ease with which you can add images to your webpage. These images can come from a variety of sources.

Using a digital camera, you can snap a picture and in within minutes, that image can up uploaded to the World Wide Web where it can be accessed from anywhere in the world. These digital cameras begin at under $100. Many photo processors are now offering the option of converting your 35mm prints and slides to a digital format on a floppy disk, CD or even on the Web.

In addition to these methods of obtaining images for your webpages, any digital image that can be found on an existing World Wide Webpage can be easily downloaded and added to a webpage that you are building. Most images placed on the Web are in the public domain unless they are specifically listed as having a copyright. Note: If you do find an image with a copyright notice, respect the copyright and refrain from downloading the image.

Here's how to download images from the web...

  1. Log on to the Internet and open your web browser. (Note: These instructions are written for Netscape Navigator… other browsers may be a bit different. You will need to experiment with yours.)
  2. When your web browser has loaded, find a webpage that has some images displayed on the screen.
  3. Move the cursor until it is superimposed on top of one of the images.
  4. Hold down the right mouse button (You were wondering why the mouse had two buttons, weren’t you?) and notice that a little menu pops up on the screen. (Mac users: Hold down the mouse button until the menu appears.)
  5. Near the bottom of the menu, you will see the option Save This Image As… (Note: Internet Explorer uses Save Picture As…)
  6. Click on the Save This Image As… menu item.
  7. The Save As… dialog box will appear.
  8. You will want to save the image to the same folder where your webpages will be located.
  9. Accept or change the file name for the image and be sure to keep the .jpg or .gif file suffix.
  10. Click OK. The image will be downloaded

Adding Images With Netscape Composer

  1. Open your webpage with Netscape Composer.
  2. Position the cursor where you want the image to appear.
  3. Click on the Images toolbar button.
  4. Navigate to the location where you saved the images.
  5. Select the image that you want to insert
  6. Click on OK or Open
  7. The image will appear on the screen.
  8. Adjust the size of the image if necessary.
  9. Save the webpage.


website developed by Bob Jost | bjost@josts.net | last modified July 12, 2000
Copyright © 1999 Bob Jost. All rights reserved