Training and Development Resources

Norm Gustafson, M. S.;
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  1. 1998: W. Norman Gustafson. Using Student Surveys to Improve Instruction. Classroom Leadership, v. 1, 5. February 1998.

    What can the instructor do to increase student interest? This article shows several strategies inspired by service quality practices.

  2. 1998: W. Norman Gustafson. Content Analysis in the History Class. The Social Studies, v. 89,1. January/February 1998.

    The use of media and communications research is adapted to the study of historic documents.

  3. 1996: W. Norman Gustafson. Inputs, Process, Outputs: Improving Supplier and Customer Service. The 1997 Annual: Volume 2, Consulting. (Pfeiffer/ Jossey-Bass).

    If you need trainees to make connections between their production and others, this is a good activity.

  4. 1996: W. Norman Gustafson. By the Numbers: Understanding Organizational Decision Making. The 1997 Annual: Volume 2, Consulting. (Pfeiffer/ Jossey-Bass).

    This training activity shows the effect of departmental barriers and differing reward systems to overall quality.

  5. 1995: W. Norman Gustafson. Bean Counters: Analyzing Production Errors. The 1996 Annual: Volume 1, Training. (Pfeiffer/ Jossey-Bass).

    This is an simple adaptation of Deming's famous Red Bead experiment; demonstrating the effects of supply quality on a system.

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