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Norm Gustafson, M. S.;
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The Comparative Advantages of Outside Consultants

Ordinary reasons that companies use outside consultants:

  1. They could do it, but they are too busy (temporary overload). They buy your time and competence.
  2. They have never done it before. They buy your expertise.
  3. They have only occasional need for the skills you have.
  4. They have made a conscoius decision to out-source the function.

Other reasons to use outside consultants (unique contributions):

  1. Creativity- they seek new ideas (the percieved problem is "stale ideas");
  2. Challenge- they seek change and improvement through "hard questions";
  3. Perspective- they seek different, outsider views of their system;
  4. Management- they seek help managing projects with new participants;
  5. Objectivity- they seek honest feedback.

Survey of TRDEV-L listserv:

  1. No political gain- push beyond the organization's limitations; actions tend to be less biased; no reputation as an "insider" with an agenda.
  2. No preconceptions- objective view; a "beginner's" or sceptical stance.
  3. New to scene- many want to contact, be known, cooperate (may have agenda).
  4. Innovation- not threatened by groupthink.
  5. economy- client avoids L-T investment or benefits; outsider tends to work harder because of ease of disposal [also need for referrals]; don't have to lay off in down time.
  6. Knowledge- outsider gains wider variety of experiences, skills from other situations; has time for outside study and research; can bring in specializations not always avaliable in every client.
  7. Project management skills- from nature of outside consultant's work; crisis management experience.
  8. Change management- easier to change a system if not a part of it.
  9. Specialization- allows the client to focus on core activities (also required with downsizing or outsourcing).

This free download page is from the Organizational Change, Training and Development web site of Norm Gustafson. You may print or store it for personal use. Copyright 1998, reserved for all commercial uses.