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Norm Gustafson, M. S.;
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The Training Change Checklist

Training is in a global war of economics and ideas.

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Training Universe
Radical Change
Forces and Trends

Radical, fast-moving change is sweeping the industry.

Forces, trends and drivers of change in the industry.

Are you ready for the changes in the T & D field?

Use this set of prompts to evaluate your awareness of the impact of change.

Influences on your job site:

  1. What are the trends and concerns in your specific industry?
  2. What are the trends and concerns in the T & D industry?
  3. National or Global:

    Jump to the top.

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    Training Universe
    Radical Change
    Forces and Trends

    This free download page is from Gustafson's Training and Development web site. (C) 1999 W. N. Gustafson. Permission is granted to print or save for personal purposes.