Training and Development Resources

Norm Gustafson, M. S.;
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Training Universe

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Training Universe (this page)
Radical Change
Forces and Trends

This Training Universe is designed to capture the various aspects of the training and development industry for its practitioners.

In order to ancitipate the impact of change on this industry, we first must know and be able to classify all relevant aspects of it.

This is meant to be used as a checklist to "jog" your thinking. Which areas impact your job? What areas are undergoing change?

This list can be used by itself, but is meant to be used with the Training Battlefield article and trend checklist.

Phases of Intervention:

  1. Front end:
  2. Technical skills training:
  3. Job Types (who is involved)
  4. Budget considerations
  5. Industry
  6. Trainees:
  7. Content Areas:
  8. Media and Methods of Delivery:
Experience: Technique:
Listen Together
  • Classroom Presentations
  • Seminars
  • Role play
  • Case study
  • Simulation
  • video conference
  • tele-conference
  • Overhead
  • Video
  • Videodisk
Audio Recordings (Cassettes; CDs)
  • Written materials
  • tests and assessment instruments
  • self-study
  • CD ROM
  • disks
  • Internet/Intranet
  • CB Simulations and games
  • VR
  • online class
  • desktop video conference

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Competency Check-off List =>
Trend Checklist =>
Training Universe (this page)
Radical Change
Forces and Trends
This free download page is from Gustafson's Training and Development web site. (C) 1999 W. N. Gustafson. Permission is granted to print or save for personal purposes.