Training and Development Resources

Norm Gustafson, M. S.;
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Competency Check-off List:

Print out this form and rate your competency!

The competency model:

Knowledge plus skills yields key outputs of your job.

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The following form uses the validation of your skills and knowledge by competency, the years of your experience, and the priority for your professional development.

........................ ........................
Degrees of validation:
  1. Formal Education (degree)
  2. Formal training (certification)
  3. Professional development class
  4. Train-the-trainer for specific skill or method
  5. Informal OJT
  6. Informal self-learning
  7. Self-rated: familiar, understand basics
  8. Self-rated: adequate
  9. Self-rated: mastery
Priority code:
  1. I need this now!
  2. I need this for future career growth or change.
  3. I need this for general information.
  4. I know this already.
The Training and Development Process-- Implementation
Competency Name A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. # yrs. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Needs assessment



Media selection

+/- of methods

effect on learners


Integration of methods


Remote site coordination


Cost analysis/ROI

Learning Technology

General Training or Development Skills
Competency Name A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. # yrs. 1. 2. 3. 4.
Interpersonal Skills


Adult learning principles

Change management

Performance gap analysis


System thinking

Project management

Industry awareness

industry trends



Business Processes-- (Functional Areas)
Competency Name A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. # yrs. 1. 2. 3. 4.



Customer service

Operational functions

Business knowledge

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Trend Checklist =>
Training Universe
Radical Change
Forces and Trends

This free download page is from Gustafson's Training and Development web site. (C) 1999 W. N. Gustafson. Permission is granted to print or save for personal purposes.