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Norm Gustafson, M. S.;
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Business Plan Instructional Design

Exploring Entrepreneurship
Business Plans in the Classroom
Table of Contents

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Section Module.Activity.Page
Course Introduction
Business Concept Module
Introduction 1.0.1
Activity 1: Entrepreneurial Personality and Skills 1.1.1
Activity 2: Personal and Business Mission 1.2.1
Activity 3: Developing Awareness of Business 1.3.1
Activity 4: Expanding Ideas of Business 1.4.1
Activity 5: Defining the Opportunity and the Difference 1.5.1
Activity 6: Condensing Ideas into a Mission Statement 1.6.1
Research for Marketing and Finance Module
Introduction 2.0.1
Activity 1: Building Awareness of the Ideal Customer 2.1.1
Activity 2: Building Awareness of Competition 2.2.1
Activity 3: Marketing Strategies and Plans 2.3.1
Activity 4: Revenue and Expenses, Sources and Uses of Cash 2.4.1
Activity 5: Designing the "Promise-Delivery" System 2.5.1
Business Plan Writing Module
Introduction 3.0.1
Activity 1: Writing the Business Plan 3.1.1
Activity 2: A Step-by-Step Writing Process 3.2.1
A. Small Business Administration outlines 3.3.1
B. Outline Variation 3.4.1
C. Home-Based Business Planner 3.5.1
Classroom Implementation Module
Activity 1: Implementation Plans and Options 4.1.1

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Copyright (c) 1998 by William Norman Gustafson. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted by any means (electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the author.