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Norm Gustafson, M. S.;
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TQM Instructional Design

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Instructional Objectives Performance Tasks Learning Outcomes
1. Define TQM 1. Student writes examples of elements present or missing at work site 1. Be able to explain TQM to co-workers; know necessary elements
2. Climate concept 2. Students take survey about work site 2. Students can identify (change) attitudes impeding change
3.a. Customer/Supplier concept 3.a. Student lists:
  • customers
  • requirements (Question)
  • Feedback
  • suppliers (standards)
3.a. Be able to determine specifications of customers
3.b. Customer classification 3.b. Student lists customers' needs (primary, secondary, tertiary) 3.b. Question strategy to determine customer requirements
4. Quality Function Deployment 4. Student lists for typical, focused customer 4. Set up simple QFD for any customer
5. Understanding Process (chain analysis) 5. Student picks sub-process; lists steps, skills 5. Be able to list skills, requirements, sequence for students site process
6. Flow charting 6. Student completes task table, flow chart on selected work process 6. Know how to construct a flow chart
7. Team responsibilities; cross-training opportunities 7. Student constructs cross-training chart with a work example 7. Be able to help workers plan a cross-training schedule
8. Types of team measurement 8. Student applies a design to work situation 8. Have, be able to use team measurement tools
9. Assessing impact of work process on customer requirements 9. Student compares process with customer needs; brainstorms possible interventions 9. Can determine how process impacts customer requirements
10. Evaluation techniques 10. Student uses design methods to test interventions 10. Understands evaluation process

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