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Norm Gustafson, M. S.;
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TQM Instructional Design

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Education Application
Instructional Objectives Performance Tasks Learning Outcomes
1. Define TQM 1. Student writes examples of elements present or missing at work site 1. Be able to explain TQM to an educator; know necessary elements
2. Organization climate 2. Student survey of workplace climate 2. Be able to recognize what makes good/bad climate for improvement
3.a. Concept of customers and suppliers 3.a. Students list:
  1. customers
  2. requirements
  3. Feedback
  4. suppliers
3.a. Be able to determine specifications for any education customer
3.b. Customer classification 3.b. Students list:
  1. primary needs
  2. underlying needs
3.b. Be able to interview an edu. customers; probing question strategy
3.c. Understand process "Chain analysis" 3.c. Pick a sub-process; list steps, skills, mastery (work backwards) 3.c. Be able to list skills, requirements; sequences for any process
4. Understand, apply process/VAT analyses to instructional applications 4. Required lesson plan
  1. make flow chart
  2. VAT each step
  3. Problem-source
4. Understand value contributions of each step in instruction
5. Team measurement 5. Student lists areas of potential use; drafts proposal for team measurement 5. Students can construct team measures of output
6. Quality Analysis/ Statistical tools 6. Students work through example, simulation to diagnose problem; data collection; Problem-cause analysis; student example of prioritization 6. Student can apply simple TQM tools to educational situations
7. Implementation 7. Force field analysis of student's district/site 7. Student recognizes interests and groups that impact change
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